Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Me Times Three

Three products I use on an everyday basis are my Mac, my ipod, and my Xbox 360.

My Mac describes me because it highlights my artistic side as Mac computers are targeted to a younger, hipper, and more artistic demographic. I use my Mac for school projects and my personal projects, such as recording music. Being a student, my Mac relieves me of the burden of working with a slow computer. With so many projects due, a Mac on my side is a valuable tool. As an artist, my Mac works well with my recording software, Pro-Tools. Having that Pro-Tools and Macs are compatible, using this software without a Mac would be like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly. Owning a Mac defines my educated side, and my artistic side.

My ipod defines my love for music and, like my Mac, highlights my creativeness. The sound of music playing through my headphones sparks the inspiration needed to write my next big hit. Just one verse from 2Pac could be all I need to hear to be able to express myself freely on my next track. I can always be spotted with a pair of headphones with music playing. I try to make it a point to make sure I leave home with my ipod in hand. Without it, I feel naked and the world seems a lot quieter. My love for music would be suppressed if it wasn't for my ipod. I believe my life would be a whole lot duller without some form of a portable music player. Something as mundane as my nine to five is at least a little more bearable with my ipod.

My Xbox 360 defines my laid back attitude. To be able to relax with a nice cold beer and watch Netflix through my Xbox provides me with a pleasurable experience, when taking a break from the pressures of work and school. If I'm not in the mood to watch a movie, I can easily pop a video game in the disc tray and explore a new world. The Xbox 360 is the perfect mechanism to get away without going anywhere. Now with the advancement of technology, I can even play online with my friends in other states who without my Xbox wouldn't be possible.        

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